sHabai. everyone is laughing when I say that. Can't help it I just cannot not pronounce it without the whole h thing kae? ha.
Few weeks ago brought guitar to school stayed back to play. Isaac and Regin. 3 of us. Had a fun time. When we're almost going off. We chat for a while. Then they were joking bout the "sHabai" word again. so I just played along. Ya and drop isaac's water bottle. Ya real shabai.
-Met. Turn. Change. Speechless.-

Tuesday. GTG came to my house. Fun great time. Very exhausting. Arg. Slept at 12.30am. Woke up at 2.30am.Till the whole day. Such sacrifice for yimai. Ha. Felt like a zombie the whole day. And cause of something else too. Ouch. That's the word.
Wednesday. Slept at 1 something. Woke up at 5.30am. Arg. Zombie feeling again. Worst. Trying to keep myself awake. Plus what happen just couldn't get over it. I didn't talk much. Just wanted to sit down quietly and day dream. And forget about everything.
Thursday. same thing.
Friday. Slept at 1 again. Arg. studied for my chinese. I know how to do. But I cannot remember. fed up with myself. arg. Anyway fell asleep on pmr class. Couldn't wake up.

Everything just sucks every shitty things. Argh. Can't believe it. Why? Kay i know it's back to me again. My fault. Yea. I can't deny that. But I just.. Argh... But you didn't have to do that at all seriously.
Hmm... Took you so long to finally do that. ha. Yae. Things are all back to normal After a few weeks. Thank God. =)=) .. But yes. I know. I know. Noted. I know my limits. ;) Thanks guys for being there for me love ya all. :)

Had an enjoyment time on monday eveything is just GOOD! haha. We should go and take photo together again guys! You guys just make me look like an idoit. =( especially Isaac. Arg.. haah..
And some updates:1.Went for planetshakers concert! lml!
2.Took photos for society stuff. Model: My sis-Shannon.
2.Took photos for society stuff. Model: My sis-Shannon.
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