-Back to how things are-Gotta prepare more paper to scibble-choose the best sit in class-
Arg! Have to go back to school tomorrow!!! I don't want!.... I haven't wash my school shoe haven't cut my hair... >.<

Just came back from kl... woke up 6.30 am....

tomorrow the only thing i'm looking forward is to meet my friends! woopi! FINALLY.

Nic and shan won't be home yet>.<>At least i got my parents and a friend hahaha~

green day green day green day!! wait for me! haahah~ (like they would know) i have to go man! hopefully dad will let me go there.. come on i got a friend with me nothing to worry la, i'll be save~ Finally have someone to go with me hahahah~ but its kinda expensive.. thank God i had enough^^

-not sure why i always have the thought of how good if i was a boy, not sure why hahaha... dressing will be so much easier! anyone agree with me haha~ i guess only shan... shan do you? but at the same time it's nice to be a girl... oh whatever God made me this way.. i should be happy^^ enough with the crap!-

*Hope my new teacher would be good.... better than before.... *