Okay I gotta admit it's been awhile since a last blog. But feels like way too long. Felt like some post are missing. Just realize I never blog since Dec. It's like way too long hahaha.. Well, I was busy since 1st of Dec. Because went for filming. :D :D tehee.. Very glad about it. Though it's just a very small role. But I have learn new things not only just about the acting things. ;) so anyway,
Always dream and wondered how acting would be like. Well, last year I have experience it. It was tired. haha. exhausting, especially the waiting time. haha.. Well, I didn't just learn and know about how filming things are. But others too.
Since now I know how acting are, my dad told me now you know how acting is huh? tiring eh? Yup I gotta agree to that, but I don't mind going for others guess cause the interest is there? yup partly.
This year. New start. Everything new. Of course keep the good ones and make it even better. Ha.
2011. Class S1C3. No.22. Ha. Sitting beside limin. Thank God for her, I don't feel so bored any more. Awesomeness. Haha. We would just laugh non stop. It made my day in class more interesting not so bored anymore. Never know maybe by end of this year I would slim down after all the laughing haha. Finger cross!
Speechless suddenly. Mind blank. Ha. Don't really have the mood to write. But this post I kept saving and keeping it in the draft. I wanna make sure I post it today.
Well, just hope this year would be a good awesome year. Change. I will make it happen.
-I did't feel sad or disappointed. Till now I still think you're just lying. Maybe you just don't think you should. What's holding you back? Fear? I don't know do you know. But I still do. I really do. But I don't know do you realize that. The things you say makes me speechless. But I'm still cool inside out. I don't know why I did it. But I think maybe I'm just not afraid of anything anymore. I just do what I want. Not thinking what will happen next. Yea I do regret a little. But it turn out fine after that. I just don't think this would happen. I just think everything is just a lie. Maybe you're just looking for what you need. You're still searching for it. You still haven't found it. But it's just here. But you know just by thinking about it again makes it feel so real at the same time. So what's next?-
I need A holiday. Like a real one.
Where I can pack my bags and go.
I'm tired of here.
Tired of staying home. Playing the guitar. Going online. Going to air condition places. Going for movies.
I need something new. I'm sick and tired. I can't laugh. Cause I'm alone.
I want to go somewhere fresh and new.
I can't wait to use my new camera.
Let's go somewhere.
Who's with me?
But I don't think there's anywhere I can go without enough cash.
I'm bored. To the core.
I'm weak. I thought I was strong. What happen?
I need help. Drugs? Nah just kidding. Not that dumb.
I wanna smell the fresh air on the other side of the earth.
I need to keep myself busy and stop thinking of what if. But make it happen.
I knew I sense something wrong. Ha. Anyway. My dreams are near.
There stuff that happen that makes me wanna quit.
But I'm sure I can do it. I don't easily give up.
So watch me. Let the game begin. Regin get ready. Wear your helmet. We're off.
My body is aching but I got the mood to type things out so yup...
Ahem(Clearing throat)
Regin. Type yours soon. Muaks.
Isaac: Just by giving you tissue we became such close friends. How did it happen? act熟 rite? haha.. You next year different stream with me already. good luck. thank you for always being there when I need you :) Sorry sometimes I treat you quite rude. But you sometimes really irritating! hahah.. But After that always forgive you haha.. I forgot to pass you your letter till now. Will pass it to you tomorrow. Be happy and Jia you :)
Jacky!: Hey! haha.. Knew you since I was 8! haha.. I don't really remember what we did or talk but I remember we were pretty close but then after that we didnt talk till last year. When we went back to foon yew 2. Children day, haha remember the puppy? tehee.. then we didn't talk again till this year. Suddenly went outing together. then our switch kinda on already. We watch resident evil kept talking in the cinema laughing like crazy ppl. Aft that do some idiotic video haha.. I like that day a lot :) when PMR time we started practicing "kiss me" song with regin. vocal+guitar+beatbox. wow. haha.. Going to meet up on Dec rite? Video our song and on our switch yae? tehee.. Oovoo!! haha.. First time we all keep laughing so weird webcaming after tat we got used to it. haha.. Anyway good luck next year! Hope you will have pretty teeth soon! ;)
Ningling: Hey most of the stuff all written in that letter already. You're studying accounts too right? :):) hehe.. If there's any church event I will call you for sure;) haha.. We might not be close but when we meet each other we starting talking bout our stuff wow haha.. I will remember all this. GTG leader. acha acha fighting! :):)
ShengQ: Hey man.. things are weird right now. Maybe it was me? I'm really sorry. I don't know why am I apologizing but I just felt like I need too. We used to text a lot. But that day when I saw you, I felt like we're strangers again. Like back to last year. You just looked at the floor and told me to give way. I don't know what happen. Kay maybe after that thing. But yea.. To be honest I'm not liking it. It's like WTF? But if this is your decision I will respect it. Thank you. That's all I can say. For everything. Your letter. I will keep it. You do have a very nice writing to be honest always wanted to tell you that. Ha. Keep it up I know you can do it. You're smart. I will give you the fried rice next year. I won't break my promise. So I'll see you soon? :)
ShengJ: YO lil' bro keep it up I know you can do it. :):) Hope your english will improve. Don't just say how smart and good you are but I wanna see some action yae? Hopefully when I see you again you will be daring enough to speak english with me. lols.. Like I said yesterday hope you will be even cute, handsome and MATURE SOon. Haha.. Cheers! ;D
Kaiwen: Iron man!! haha I will never forgot that look on your face when you were watching movie and saw scarlett johansson (iron man girl) lols.. tak boleh tahan haha.. Haiyo next year sure very weird without you. haha.. Though sometime you can be one real irritating person haha.. You ah must update me okay? haha.. That time I was so bored I could die thanks for calling to chat lols.. tehee.. suddenly thought of something hehe.. Can't say here hehe.. Anyway go out soon yae? haha.. Im gonna make sure your switch must on!! tehee.. All the digi thing and don't know what receipt you cut out I kept all and stick in my book :) tehee. They can be rubbish to people but not for me :) tehee learn your guitar soon ah! :P
Ivan: Oi Navi tehee.. Smile more tehee.. Going to on your switch soon! :P (-_^) haha.. Your voice change le haha.. Wohoo someone gonna be star soon eh? :O haha.. You can do it tehee.. You support me, I support you :) How we know each other? umm.. I don't really remember @@ umm.. Just talk right? haha.. That day watch that horror movie you didn't succeed to scare me haha.. Too bad :P haha.. Go out soon yae? Four of us again ;) tehee.. Umm. see when bah.. Got mission okay? Nail polish!! lols... Oi you 传染 to me liao :( haha.. Neh mind lah hehe.. Few days later should be healthy again hehe.. Anway good luck and always remember to pray! :):)
Ah boy: Grow taller! Meet any new girl before you do anything must tell mummy okay. It's not a request it's an order hehe.. Take care okay. Will buy you chocolate milk soon yae? :) I'll find your dad soon. Give me few more years. lols.. Study hard kay! Don't have short temper not good. Anything just text me :)
I almost teared when I read your letter. It's okay that it's messy. It always happen right? :) mine is the same too. lol.. It's really crazy that we can be so close so fast. So nice. I'm so gonna miss you. I will keep that power point. Pinky promise. :) There's so many to type out. There are things I don't need to say I'm sure you know what's gonna come out from my mouth.
Sigh.. Time really flies. Babe, Stay strong. We're gonna separate but doesn't mean we won't meet again right? :) Next year prepare A4 papers in your bag okay? ;) when we think of each other take out that white blank of paper and filled it up with our classic writing lols.. and exchange it soon ;)
Ohh.. So gonna miss u. But hey we gonna have lots of fun soon yae? haha.. Tomorrow gonna meet up already. and we got our ten days thing. wow. We are gonna have a blast alright? I know you need me haha so thick skin to say that. But that's what you told me eh? Ohh.. ahha.. I will be there for sure. For you I can do it.
Hey our promise. Must always keep it in mind okay? Everything must tell each other okay? Tehee.. And our movie dates. Breaking Dawn, Percy Jackson. :) 3 of us. Like last time alright? and go Regin's place. Soak ourselves in the pool and chit chat. But let's not go to that toilet again. So spooky. I rmb tat i was trying to pretend that I'm not freaking out, afraid if I freak out you guys will freak out even more. End up trying to ask regin to continue her story and get distracted lols.. Oh.. This is one of our nice memories.
They're more like our table thing, writing to each other, sleeping in class together, laughing together in class. Sitting beside you is a bless, whenever I feel sad or hungry I'll always write it on your table. I didn't need to wait for recess to spit out my feelings. Cause your there by my side like literally beside me lols. You'll always lie down on my shoulder and always nearly fall down and grab the table and laugh to each other. I will keep it. But won't miss it.. Cause there gonna be even more nicer greater things ahead of us babe. Kl.La. :) So don't feel emo or sad. Smile. You glow when you smile. Keep that in mind. Love you. Muaks.
Just trying to do something right. I kept thinking if I don't I'm gonna mess things up after that. So I decided yea I should do something about this. It's time. Since my vision was cleared. When you left that few hours. I wasn't confuse anymore like my feelings, I was sure how I felt at that moment. I made up my mind at that time. I was sure. So yeah I did. Didn't felt any regret or worry at all. But after the result I felt did like I something wrong when it's suppose to right. But it's no point regretting everything when it's done. Like they said no point crying split milk. But I still feel so bothered like something is not done. But there's nothing. I just kept blaming myself on everything. Just wish I wouldn't. But my heart feel so heavy. I can't breath properly. Fish this. Really. Gosh.. I need to go somewhere I shout out loud. Ya that's all I have to say. What are you doing huh? :/
I love laughing with all ya guys, so much fun. We can laugh non stop but honestly if you think about it again it wasn't really funny why did we laugh anyway? haha.. But i love the feeling. When you laugh your mind is blank if you realize. When we laugh we look at each others faces not thinking about who's around us. When we try to control, we all sat in silents trying not to look at each other. But it felt weird. No more laughter but silents. But the silent never lasted. we begin to laugh again. There's nothing wrong with us we're just happy. I wish I could just keep on laughing. That's the only way you will stop thinking about all those weird stuff. I want drug. Laughter drug. Don't worry Isaac I won't eat you. :) Maybe I will :O just gimme those pills or your dead. Ha. Really wish to spent more amazing crazy insane days with all of you everyday. :) Peace out.
It's.. Oh Saturday. Ha. I'm well.. Sitting front of the computer. Obviously. Ha. Things been well.. Dull.. Boring. Sucks. Well, only one thing for sure I'm awake from it. I'm really awake from it. What was thinking? ha. Anyways.. It's over. :(:) ha. Now I feel like how he feels, ______. Yup, that's the word. I feel dead. Gloomy. For no reason. I thought I should happy. Ha. Well, i guess not.
Sometimes you think you got it right but nah. You didn't. Sometimes you just go over the limits. too much confidence. You didn't control. Sometimes you think he wouldn't notice. But you can be wrong at times. Maybe you're back to round one again. Everything is back to round one. Hmm..That's pretty bad eh? Ha. sometimes you just have to listen to that little voice inside of you or you might make things happen which you didn't want to. But who is to blame? No one. But you. You could avoid it but you choose not too. Greedy. Would be the word. You wanted more thats why. But it's okay just learn from you mistakes. Though you're just a small role in it. But come to think about it it's pretty big. You realize that this morning already. It's okay even he didn't realize that.But he will soon. He's just slow. Ha. Now, make him realize. That's all I have to say ;)
Ah.. It's a different Sunday for me. Didn't have that smile on my face when I woke up. The feeling that makes you go "Oh well.. Looks like a I fell asleep again ha." Miss it a lot. Everything. How lame can _ get sometimes. Just think you probably think when would this end. But I was selfish just wanna let it go on, only way to have that real sincere smile on my face. Going to school with joy. But when you reach school. Things are different. I wonder why. But you have friends around you to make you forget about it and just go bananas!
sHabai. everyone is laughing when I say that. Can't help it I just cannot not pronounce it without the whole h thing kae? ha.

2.Took photos for society stuff. Model: My sis-Shannon.
I promise kaiwen just one more month. And I will try to let go everything. But the thought of it hurts me. I don't want to let this go. After what I been through. No. I can't. But I will try. We were just discussing about why I have feelings for you. I still haven't got the answer. Kaiwen say that's just one "magical" thing about love. Agree. You just like that person. No reason to it. It just happens. Well for you, you got nothing for me to like about. But I just did. You're just.. Nothing.
Unpredictable. It made me smile. I was glad. Maybe it will remain just like this. But it's enough for me. Though I want more. But it's okay. I won't ask much. But it's time to hold back. I don't want to always be the one. Not right. It's your turn. Nah. That won't happen. That was just the pass. I don't think you will now. I'm the one thinking of someone who won't think of me. We don't think or feel the same. But thanks. It made my day. I feel better now. I ain't moving till you do. So I guess I will just remain here★