long time
I Haven't been writting my blog for quite a long time... so yea.. anything lately? Hmm.... Well..
I'm having exam this week english test tomorrow... Phantom of the opera >.<, and many more..
Been speaking malay haha~ It's really fun when you chat with your friends in malay then when you can't get the right word your friends frown and look at you as you stare at them and start to smile a little we will all burst into laughter.
flat on the floor
I fell down. My friend ran so fast as i was trying to catch up with her i trip! At that moment i didn't really care about who's staring cause i just want to catch up with her. Got a small cut on my leg.. When it start to recover it had this love shape.
killing me
Something happen lately which i won't say it but cause of that, now things are kinda akward.. And somebody(just 1) just keep giving that stupid look. haiz.. sick.!
Not long ago i was chatting with girafang on msn, we started drawing it's really funny..

Xin Pin:Pig:Xin Pig
Rachel<>:wolf:ah woo wolf~ Been thinking about :rachel wolf.. haha~
Stop here
GOD is very fair.
he gave us ability and good points!
he gave you a creative of taking photo.
i LIKE your photo!nice!
thankyou so much! ^^ ya GOD is so amazing!