It was after school me,regina and fang run as fast as we could so that we will have place to sit in the bus.While running we were so excited it felt like my heart was gonna pop out,is way funny i felt like i was like some primary kid running to get a sit.
When we got on the bus we were so exhausted we were sweating like mad!!! it was so tide and it made it worse..Not long we have reached our destination.
We step in the house quietly i was so nerves. They(regina's mum and aunty)were eating but they let us use the table
It was so akward when we were eating,it was silent,the food was fine^^. Before we eat we usually call like who eat who eat then i call her aunt"aunt" which suppose to be "ah yi". I was like omg!! Then i start repeting ahyi ahyi ahyi... Regina was like laughing non stop.
I will just jump straight to here,we plan on watching movie and we did we watch disturbia quite long ago show. When we watch the starting zoe have to go home so we walk down to the basement. And byes..
After she left,we hold our hands tight together and run! It was so scary we were holding on to each other hands afraid to lose one behind when we were heading to the stairs all rushing while running we were laughing feeling like fools. At the elevator we tried to breath properly we all took our breath like afraid theres no more air to take.
Finally back to the place,we sat down laughing and continue our movie.After the show we went to the room planing on watching sun rise in the morning. We plan and went to sleep.
Morning!! I actually woke up three times once when it was still dark second kinda bright third bright! I stood up trying to get my grip but boom.. i woked them up i walk to the window and turn to them and say the sun has rise... it was 9.00 we didn't wake up... buhuhu... We quickly went to wash up and prepare to go down to take pictures!! here are the pictures...(i'm so lazy to type now,this been in the draft for 3 days)

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