Honestly speaking...i just hate it when theres yelling in the house...i mean who likes it...but of course it will happen at times,but i'm happy that is not happening for a long long long time...^^
But until...the phone bill came...before was like...not telling the amount...this time the price went down..good thing...i didn't use it...i won't telll who..anyway,my mum she was holding the bill saying"is here".i try to reach to the bill but mum swing it away from me...then my dad came in and race his voice with anger scolding xxx...that time i was having dinner...i got nothing to do with it so i clear the table and put the plates into the sink...and walk away heading to my room to bathe...
i guess i just never wanna hear all the stuff...so sick of it...
i grab my towel and sat on the toilet bowl wanted to burst into tears but i hold it back,cause i just don't want to...while i was bathing i realize sumthing about what pastor say in churh last week...then i realize i never pray for my family(what was i thinking)...all i pray was that me and my family will get good sleep,nice dreams,and of course i will become an actress is like crazy but a...yea.i wanted to become a designer (use to)...anyway...cause i don't i have it in me...
But come to think about it,the phone bill did gone down i mean maybe,don't yell but say "the bill has gone down Is a good thing hope it will be better.."but is totally not up to me to say...so a yea...S.I.C.K!
But i understand how my dad feels sort of and xxx...for my dad case he just disapointed about the bill and sometimes you just wish everything in this world is free...thats why is just a wish...he's just sad but i guess a man just never show how he feels...sometime i just wish my dad will just show how he feels in a soft way..but not in anger...(laugh).anyway...(sigh)...
Thats all...But i have to say I do have a lovely family...No matter what...I been bless...thank god..^^
Went to cs to get sum presents....Head to padini
Stepping in
I went with my parents..there was discounts paper everywere...as i cross my hands and look around..my dad was trying his suit on,while i look at him and telling him how much i love edward cullens grey trench jaket..he was looking at his suit at the same time asking me which jacket cause he didn't remember about it...
Looking around
Not long he pass the suit to a girl..i didn't really remember how she look like but all i could remember was she was polite...as she take the suit she smile at my dad and she head to somewhere to iron it...i walk around and saw a pile of shirt some was hanging i saw two shirt that really caught my eye..i ask my mum is it ok if i try it since is 50%..she said ok while passing pass the padini card to my dad...soon when my dad came back he pass the card to me asking me to give it back to mum, without looking at me while he walk away...
Not paying attention
My mum head to the changing room while i follow behind i wasn't paying attention at all i was looking at the padini card and didn't care about anything at all...
Suddenlly my head hit the glass really hard at that moment my mind was blank all i could do shout real loud as i could,i just wish the pain will just end,but it didn't when i hit my forhead i lift my head and i hit the glass again,it was actually a shelf but it made my glass..i'm so careless...
When shout my lungs out everyone turn and glance at me i didn't feel shy or whatever i just felt weird thats all...my parents rush to me and check if i was alright...my dad just kept saying "thank god you didn't hurt your eyes",which was the truth...my mum took tissue for me to wipe my blood off...i kept telling them i'm fine at the same time my tears just won't stop rolling down i hurry wipe it off and laugh at myself,i smile at my parents and head to the changing room....
After the tears
I walk out of the changing room holding the two shirt that is going to be mine in just a few minutes...when i step out there everyone who witness that incident look at me with that look all i could do was pretand like nothing happen at all and walk away....I guess i should really see where i was walking...
Its a friday and now is 10.16 in the morning, listening to forever the sickest kids-coffee break...just change to paramore-never let this go.love it!
Christmas is coming and guess what..that means...holidays are going to be OVER! i dun wanna go back to school..so sick!............
So erm...what did i did in this whole months of holiday..Hmm....
1)I watch Twilight twice! Still loving it! Can wait for the DVD realise that way i can watch and watch and watch...^^
2)I read two novels...1.The boy in the stripe pajamas...Nice 1 but too bad is too
2.New moon...Really exiting!!..gonna get the third book!
3)We decorate the house with lots of nice things...lovely!Can't wait for christmas,but my cousin from kl is not coming down haiz...
4)I did lasagena with my sis!
5)Been doing some exersice...noting much actually...
6)I went my cousin house which it's been a long time we didn't meet each other...we cycle to her friends house she has two puppy wey cute...but i didn't bring camera...haiz...i wanna go again and take picture!
7)I went to plaza pelangi to perform dancing...summer holidays...force to....whatever its over edi...
8)That day i went to buy christmas deco with shan and my mum..me and my sis was messing up the place..kinda like that...While i was walking around i just felt like taking my shoe of my feet is like telling me "i wanna breath" ok ok...kinda stupid anyway...i took of my shoe and when my feet touch the cold ground,i felt my leg was getting colder and colder and the warmnest was just gone...and i just kept walking around bear foot...
9)Got cut by padini's glass thing!
How should i put this..hmmm...ok ok I..I...I....I...CUT MY HAIR!!!WHOO HOO!!!
But 1 thing..not short enough..haiz...going to cut again....That guy is wey pro...and the best part is my 1st time washing my hair..!!"i noe is kinda like what?your 1st time?!"
Anyway the way he cut my hair is like ripping of my head off!!You can just feel and hear the sound "krr" slowly tearing off..it's way cool and it hurts..haha...
I had no regrets at all...my whole family did their hair actually..my mum blow her hair..nic cut her hair..shann chop off her fringe..my dad cut his hair...
And this is how my hair looks like: stupid kabuki..lol

Watch Twilight yesterday wakaka~It was soo nice i just didn't want it to finish...the cinema was so cold!but who cares the show was so good^^ My sis was like "he's so good looking!"hahaha...well.nice show la~The girl pretty^^ If those that haven't watch it go catch it!My sis got the book feel lke reading but so thick wey...never mind la since is a holiday^^
Before the show we went to padini my sis took some clothes to try haha...she told me to take also but the clothes look so big but anyway just playing...we took sum pic:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
afternoon time
nail polish peeling off....
beautiful sunset!