I dun feel good 2day...i dun noe why...i'm having a headach and my eyes are so dry..i can't sleep even though i feel tired...i can't eat...just so unwell.....honestly there's a reason i guess.....man,so sick!.....but i did sleep well....oh well....
yesterday was the last day of school i took lots of picture yea...lots....with min,fang,ying,yen yen,felicia,jing wen....
suppose to take pic with ah boy 1 but he ah..playing chess(chinese)...didn't take pic with ah soon and Mr.Bread cause rushing edi.....haiz..never mind la~yesterday was raining...nice i like it!
i brought mua p.e shirt to let mua frewn write whatever they wan to^^yup...these are the pictures..: my p.e shirt love it!
the are the stuff they wrote
teh zero wrote so much....
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- me and teh zero...
me and teh zero again^^
me and ying
thinking of changing to middle parting?no way....
me and jing wen...
me and yen yen!
lying on the table..haha
my friends
i took this pic in the bus haha~ reflection
night light
the car in white the no. plate is 24!my no.!!but cannot see la~
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- love!
yum yum!
wu~this 1 is wayyyy classic!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well..li ann and wendy thinking about jian kai?
where is your shoe lace Mr?and whose leg is that on the left?
ah soon how dare you wear it!haha~i cannot tahan these two la~your in class!
playing psp a....
so serious...
thats all...
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