Well...i did this my self haha!~took quite long to do this....anyway..tell me what you think about it^^ comment or write on my c box on the right--->
Enjoy your day!^^
ouch!it was pain man!bleed...
Yesterday's sky was so beautiful if you notice haha..i was in the car and i took lots of pic in the car...so lovely..the sun was like bright haha..duh~haha...
love taking pictures is like going to b mua hobbby haha...
things are just so lovely..but we just dun care about the little things around us...all i gotta say we have to thank God 4 creating such a beautiful earth but we just keep on destroying it...anyway here the pic:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sumthing happen few weeks ago...haiz...ok i'm not gonna use hxx name....so that somebody use my name and sms the who i put this fella as mini ku ok....i pretant to b me...just because hxx friend kena "bully" from mini ku and wanna bao cou...
Why must you do that?haiz...kinda mad at hxx...fxxxxxx
Still got sumore cannot say... So on entertainment tonight ROR "Did rachel sms mini ku is that real or rumor?" "answer is RUMOR" So yup.... WHY MUST LIKE THIS?You guys guess is who le?
Hmm...i came back from my grandma house yesterday...i was so bored there haiz...
well...6 sumthing i went to my cousin house it's been a long time since i seen her...it was like so weird when i went there is like been months...we didn't play actually,we use to..but now we dun any more cause i guess when your age you really dun noe what to play so we just chat chat chat.......
anyway we thought mayb i can stay there for like 2 days sumting like that...but the prob is i dun dare to ask my parents...is like your mind is like(you noe you can't so dun even think of asking) but i wan to but i dun noe how...
I suppose to go today,she call so i kinda ask,she was thinking of coming to my house not stay over night...but my mum say we have to go out and buy my sis school book no 1 at home...so well...mayb another day...when my sis went out i came downstairs then she lock the door and i was like wat?(i thought i suppose to go?)and guess wad she and my dad is going oni...now i'm confusse..1 you say WE are going to buy book and now oni 2 of you going? So now what? I still dun there to ask!!!arg!come on man!rachel just go and ask!
well...i just can't whatever.....mayb next week... T.T
got sum pics i took in my granma house hehe...: i got the same 1 with my grandma!!but mine smaller
my uncle's electric guitar nice!
is it a dog or a rosted pig?
BIG small
Haiz...is been a long time since a write my blog...cause nothing been going on these few days...ok lets see...we did sprong cleaning in the house...i wipe the lights..and now it's shining!!hahaha~~
I'm so bored tomorrow got tuition again haiz....anyway IS JUST 2 HOURS I CAN TAKE IT..wah ceh~~saya boleh tahan~~~ok these few days when i go on9 i dun see teh zero haiz...sry a that time i play game never reply you and you a never tell me you off9 wor~
i didn't see ah soon also we onli chat thru chat box T.T ....
And i have candy nails!!haha~
I had my tuition 2day oh man....it was like 2 hours and it was so freaking silent!i just feel like shouting man!haha~i did a few sound here and there haha~it was just to quiet anyway is over but i'm still having it next week oh man....but i was lucky that time just past so fast at that time wakaka~~
ah soon ah...when you on9 ah?wan me send song to you...aiyo....
tak mau bing how you how you know who told you about it!!hopefully the who dono...
dun let her know ok!
teh zero ah...i just think you have feeling 4 the who la~you can't hide it away from mua...
muroomsup be happy always...and remember the "ju ben"hahha~
xiao dai ying ni haor~haha~happy happy with your house tail la~
I'm back from kl wakaka~should i say i have fun or not??cause it was such a short "vacation" well....my parents went there 4 some business thing so we just follow oni la~^^we woke up at 5sumting in the morning haiz...blur blur.....
We reach there early^^then as time goes by......it was at night we went to eat dinner with mua aunt yeah!we went to nirwana sumting like that....indian food yum yum!...then we went to bangsa dono what 4got edi...we went to zara...laughing like crazy..wakaka~after everything we went back my and my sis went to my aunts room to sleep... I ATE HAAGEN DAZ ICE-CREAM!!but abit to sweet la~summer berry...yup....then we all went to sleep...but we realize we were all not tired...yea...but the end we still slept...
Next morning my aunt woke up edi preparing breakfast.....yum yum mee hooon!!and a took pictures: the good thing about sitting in the middle is you get to take pics like that
which colour do you like?
chocolate from japan^^
i did it my self^^
my aunts flip flops
me and nicole
the up right is my is haha..studing 4 her spm ... i drank english tea hahaha~
thats how bored i was haha~ this my sis i was the 1 that took the pic haha~she got a new shoe...^^
By the way i watch madagascar hahaha~nice wayyy.......
I dun feel good 2day...i dun noe why...i'm having a headach and my eyes are so dry..i can't sleep even though i feel tired...i can't eat...just so unwell.....honestly there's a reason i guess.....man,so sick!.....but i did sleep well....oh well....
yesterday was the last day of school i took lots of picture yea...lots....with min,fang,ying,yen yen,felicia,jing wen....
suppose to take pic with ah boy 1 but he ah..playing chess(chinese)...didn't take pic with ah soon and Mr.Bread cause rushing edi.....haiz..never mind la~yesterday was raining...nice i like it!
i brought mua p.e shirt to let mua frewn write whatever they wan to^^yup...these are the pictures..: my p.e shirt love it!
the are the stuff they wrote
teh zero wrote so much....
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- me and teh zero...
me and teh zero again^^
me and ying
thinking of changing to middle parting?no way....
me and jing wen...
me and yen yen!
lying on the table..haha
my friends
i took this pic in the bus haha~ reflection
night light
the car in white the no. plate is 24!my no.!!but cannot see la~
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- love!
yum yum!
wu~this 1 is wayyyy classic!
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------well..li ann and wendy thinking about jian kai?
where is your shoe lace Mr?and whose leg is that on the left?
ah soon how dare you wear it!haha~i cannot tahan these two la~your in class!
playing psp a....
so serious...
thats all...