Day 1
Went to the airport to go to penang, i was pretty excited cause it's my first time sitting an airplane. I sat once when i was really young but i couldn't remember...
when we're in the airplane, it started to fly. When you look down the lights look so awsome! When we were about to reach it rain a little..
Finally! We reach safely... Hallelujah
When we walked out of the airport my dad's friend willing fetch us to fill our stomach, after that we went to the hotel, when we got there the Christmas deco was all done. So we check in my parents one room, me and my sisters got one whole room to ourselves.
Day 2
The next day, my dad wake us up by calling our room... We went to wash up one by one and then we walked to a shop near by to get something to eat while waiting for my aunt to come and pick us up, not long my aunt arrived with her daughter then we finish our food and woop got into the car and went to eat breakfast , it was a shop/house kinda thing, only sell two item ipoh curry mee and kuey teow theng. Pretty good..
After eating we went to a shop which they got really cheap clothes which you have to go and hunt to find a nice one, while waiting for the fitting room my aunt called me to try some shoes it looks like crocs shoes but a little different and it cost like 20 bucks. So i took one. So after trying and decide to buy them. And next we go for food again.. ahaha
When we got there, we went to one shop, their neighbor shop actually had a really big tree which i guess grow too tall so they cut the roof a big hole and just kept growing it was like at the middle of nowhere really cool though not sure why i didn't took a photo of it....
While waiting for the food i ask my mum to go with me to behind the shop to take photos, and there was a door opened the other side so we walked over there to take a look it was a abandon house it was burned as you could see the wood was really burn till it was like charcoal it was quite creepy i must say.. but the funny part was the shop had this sign writing toilet---> but everyone miss their turn cause there was a big machine bloking the way so everyone went to the house there and they had this confuse face and they point at the place and start asking "厕所?厕所在哪里啊?" Thank god they never pee there... ahahha... ^^
When the food came it was quite full on the table we said our grace and then makan makan... when we were eating the crab everyone hands was all covered with sos, my cousin stained her clothes.... pretty good food...
After food we cross the road and just look around when you walked closer you could see the sea and there were many many boats there.. after that we went back to the car and went for some desserts yum yum... When we got down off the car i saw these granma panties really classic.. ahah... so we walked over to the place they park beside the road two long table and a few chaires and done... even the table had grown mushroom way cute... but what wasn't cute was snails... yukyuk.... they had bees all around their stuff must be real se-weet... it was nice and refreshing..^^ after that we went back to the hotel and get ready for the wedd...
After bathing it was super cold! i wore my dress didn't like the bottom part.. when we got there the wedding couple were taking their photos.. so we sat and wait................ after that my uncle pass me his precious cam to me and told me to hold for him, so i stood there holding it while he walked away to get some things done.. So i took his cam and return him and he told me take la~ And i was like huh? My sis add she say cannot... So my uncle say take take.. ^^ So woopi aha...
The toilet was really nice, when you step in there it was yellowish light the floor was small little black and white with weird shape but its pretty cool, vintage style~
the wedding when on programs when on so did the food.. when everything was over they on dancing songs so everyone could dance... it was really funny and shocking to see my parents dance felt like they were letting out their stress or something it was super funny... everyone dance for so long but as time pass the song was pretty boring so they plan to go somewhere else just near by... so we left and say goodbye we walk to our opposite the music was super loud we walk into one place didn't like it it was full of smoke the way they talk with the mic didn't like it so we left and just walk around.. not long we left and head straight to our hotel....
Day 3
We woke up and went to eat in some dim som shop to meet up with my 2 uncle and aunt... while waiting i took photos of the food.. when i on the camera again it say memory card error.. not again! why?! first thing came to mind was the pictures!! but i couldn't do anything... so i didn't take any picture after that... but thank god my cousin had extra sd card so she lend me ^^ and thank god the pics were still around ....This is so good!
Day 4
It was time to leave penang and go back to jb.. haiz.... went to walk around the beach and say goodbye... off to the airport and that was it.... Say hello to jb....