Jealousy is a sin which we should never do. But it's something we couldn't control at times. I believe that cause i guess that is what happen to me, After seeing that sene i wasn't just envy but hurt at the same time but acting tough. As the jealousy of mine was active i told myself i shouldn't be, for it's a sin. But it's ok to get hurt for my heart is kinda numb. But the problem is i already let it go but why did it came back just when i tought wow, for my 1st time i actually let it go so fast. But i didn't or maybe i just let a little go? No idea. Maybe from love to like, from like to crush? Hmm... But i have to obedient to listen to God to say no to it. Everyday it would hurt my eyes to see that sene, but i couldn't hate that person i can't cause both are my friends one good one best thats what i think. Thank God that person was my good friend in the begining of the year. Everyday i fake a smile, can even talk about both of them like it ain't effecting me. Oh what a faker.
Why am i doing this? Does everyone has to get through that moments? Hmm....................................... My heart is kinda numb after what happen earlier ago but whatever that happen for sure i let it go. Stupid me.. Oh you such a jerk. And you still cute, innosence, obsessive. ^^ wow. "Bitter heart oh bitter heart try to keep it all inside bitter heart oh bitter heart it's getting a little fragile~"Let's put a full stop there.
Regina chill girl, hang in there!! You can do it! Remember what i told you i'll give you my ears to listen, my hands to hug you tightly ya? But remember when you're alone never forget God is always by your side he know how much hurts, tears... But you will have a break through and that time you will break free like and eagle, Stronger than a elephant! ya girl? We will always be here for you ^^ Think positve no matter what, see the bright side on evey sitution. ^^ Love ya!
Today message in church was good! It was about letting go the past and all.. And i felt the awesomeness of God's presence amazing as usual i cried, ha ha.
I guess it did related to me so a ya.. But so what! It's the past and i'm letting it go! Whoo hoo~ Feels good! When the pastor was saying about broken hearts and a lot more, i just cry and started parying it's like God presents never left. After everything he told us those who want to receive it just come to the front to be pray so i went, then the pastor's wife came to pray for me, and ya... feels really good. wahaha~I guess my hard work pay off!
I love this! Haha~ I guess it's kinda weird to say that to your own picture that you take!
Going to celebrate my birthday earlier, so going out to makan tonight whaha~~