wakaka~yesterday go to tebrau city i saw lots of foon yew peeps..like:sheng sheng(let his mother pinch),le huan and yi quan,hui ling and lots more haha~exam over edi!!oleh oleh oleh~~whoo hoo!!but now...the result!!!haiz..buai buai..off!
Nicole Bluroon:
well...she is the type which when she wanna score 4 her exam she will do anything to get it(exam)
sumtimes she can get really lazy like me!and sumtimes i cannot tahan her and sumtimes she can't tahan me too!like this: yea..she is in lurve withMr.V yo yo yo Mr.V...ok enough..but you will always be my buddy!~^^
wakaka!!we can be so close until i end up wearing her specs:what?..ok.....so yea..i just wanna say i'm so sry if i was so damn G.L i noe you hate that...and you wanna give me a slap on mua face...you did that few years ago..wakaka!!i was crying and laughing at that moment haha~those old days,sry for hitting you without knowing when i was sleeping ....and i wanna say I LURVE YA!!^^Hey i found our last time pic:
and we play the guitar together but it doesn't happen often
Shannon Vainoon:
WAKAKA!!You gotta say thankyou 2 me 4 that brillaint idea 4 that "can't b save bag"...haha~you a...study hard ok...you have to,18 edi..haha~oh no!!sum1 getting old...haha~you a...dun b so vain i noe your pretty i bet after you read this in your heart your like(of course i am)....haha!...eh..when are you going to take you undang huh?!..you have to drive me to school you noe...(better dun)...
you le..like to bully people,mean,crazy(cut yourself and staple youself just to noe how it look like and how it feels)...we did have taking pictures too!:
TODAY....I'm wearing a grey shirt and a skinny jeans and...my lovely pink and black converse shoe^^
love it so much!!anyway exam is coming..got to study edi...no mood to study la....but still have to study ...can't let my parents down...
oh ya...my sis gave me her art work but is not really complete so i complete it^^wakaka~and i'm loving it...muah!here it is:wakaka~off to studay!vroom!!
i dun noe wad to write ....lets see..
1)i love JESES!!
2)i'm lazy to study my exam
3)i'm "G.L"(thats wad SUM PEOPLE SAY)
4)i love being alone feels good at times i need sum1 beside me(weird rite)
5)i feel like crying i dun noe why
6)i dun have math book
7)i hate sum1 seriously
8)i'm hiding sumthing 4 few months
9)i love music!!
10)i feel so weird...
hmmm...people think sumthings wrong with me these few days...but pls pls i'm fine wey...hahaha~but at times i think sumthings wrong with mua...so i dun even noe...sumtimes i just feel like being alone dun talk dun do anything sumtimes is just feel so good to be alone aiya....just like that feeling...wads the hell is wrong with me....omg!!haiz....
yesterday sum1 face black black wakaka!!i'm so happy whoohoo!!happy untill i drop my bread on the floor T.T....teh zero i think you know who rite?wakaka!
ok...i was like listening to simple plan cd "still not getting any"..and the 1st track was shut up...when i was singing and a realize the lyrics suit my xxxx xxxxxxx so well i dun wan 2 write her name cause.....anyway she was the 1 that think i'm weird,stupid,not good in my study and bla bla she always say things about me and other people,i think that is sumthing she can't change....anyway this is the lyrics:
There you go
You're always so right
It's all a big show
It's all about you
You think you know
What everyone needs
You always take time
To criticize me
It seems like everyday
I make mistakes
I just can't get it right
It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today
So shut up, shut up, shut up
Don't wanna hear it
Get out, get out, get out
Get out of my way
Step up, step up, step up
You'll never stop me
Nothing you say today
Is gonna bring me down
There you go
You never ask why
It's all a big lie
Whatever you do
You think you're special
But I know, and I know
And I know, and we know
That you're not
You're always there to point
Out my mistakes
And shove them in my face
It's like I'm the one
You love to hate
But not today
whoo hoo!!
Ok..it goes like this i'm coming back from school..and i realize the grass in my garden is totally GONE!!i was like wad?..so i ask my mum she told me well the person say he dono how to do our grass edi...so take away...so we are like changing the grass and the garden stuff...but the best part my dad my mum the gardener fella dun even noe wad they gonna do is been 3 days and this wad they been doing...theres before and after pic^^:
still not really done yet..hahaha...can't wait